Recognizing Tree Risks: How to Spot and Manage Hazards in Your Yard

Recognizing Tree Risks

Trees provide us with countless benefits — from cleaner air and climate regulation to the peaceful shade they cast on a hot summer’s day. Yet, despite their many advantages, trees can also pose significant risks. If you’ve ever had to make a frantic midnight call to a tree service company after a storm, you know the potential hazards all too well. While it’s true that only a small fraction of trees pose such dangers, understanding and recognizing these risks is necessary for every homeowner looking to protect their home and family. After all, while most trees stand tall and strong, the few that don’t can lead to serious issues. Being smart about tree health can prevent many unfortunate accidents. By knowing what signs to look for, you can halt risks in their tracks before they become a much bigger problem.

How to Spot Risky Behavior in Trees

Head outside and take stock of what your trees look like. Begin by thoroughly inspecting your trees for any telltale signs of distress. Look for dead, hanging, or fallen branches, which can indicate internal decay or structural weaknesses. Loose or split bark, cavities, and even mushrooms growing at the base are red flags that require immediate attention. Don’t forget to examine the leaves; yellowing leaves might signify underlying issues that need diagnosing. Now review your trunk – is it split, or are there any abnormal growths? What about cavities, rotten wood, or other signs of decay? These are all clear indicators that something is up with your tree. Lastly, if the tree has been heavily pruned or the landscape has been disrupted by construction, your trees could probably do with a visit from a certified arborist.

Trees and Utility Lines

Falling trees have a knack for falling on the worst places of all, and one of those places is, of course, a utility line. In the unfortunate event that a tree does fall onto these lines, remember to avoid any attempts to handle the situation yourself. The live electrical wires can be extremely dangerous. Instead, immediately contact your local electricity provider to address the issue safely.

Dealing with Tree Risk

If you’re concerned about potential tree hazards, it’s wise to consult with an Executive Tree Care certified arborist. Our tree care professionals, certified by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), are experts in diagnosing tree diseases and recommending life-saving treatments. Depending on the tree risks involved, we may suggest various strategies such as trimming problematic branches, using cables and braces for support, or providing regular tree care. In some cases, if our arborists determine that nothing can be done to mitigate the risks, we may recommend tree removal as the safest option. Even in such scenarios, we can help you choose the best type of tree to replant, ensuring a healthy replacement that reduces future risks.

Protect your home and enhance your landscape by reaching out to our arborists today. Together, let’s maintain the beauty and safety of your trees for years to come.